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[Songshan] Rododo Spicy Hot Pot

作家相片: Cherie AriaCherie Aria
肉多多, 火鍋, 麻辣鍋, 小巨蛋美食, 南京復興美食, 松山區火鍋, 松山區美食, 松山區麻辣鍋, 小巨蛋火鍋, 南京復興火鍋, hotpot, 麻辣鍋, 養生鍋, 吃到飽, 火鍋吃到飽, 宵夜火鍋, 樂多多集團, 石頭火鍋, 爆炒系, mala hotpot, spicy hotpot, supper, midnight snack, taipei hot pot, taipei restaurant, taipei food, 海鮮, 牛肉, 火鍋肉, seafood, beef, shrimp, clam, squid, basa fish, 巴沙魚, 蝦, 剝蝦, 小花枝, 巴沙魚, 牡蠣, oyster, 刀削麵, 拉麵, 王子麵, 冬粉, 蔬食自助吧, 霜淇淋, 北海道牛奶霜淇淋, 青蘋果霜淇淋, 龍王麻辣, 爆炒蒜白雞湯, Songshan station, songshan district, Taipei Arena, Nanjing fushing, 32盎司超大肉盤, 24盎司, 40盎司, 火鍋推薦, 肉多多火鍋, 宵夜火鍋, 蔬活元氣湯, 折扣, 優惠, 抽獎, giveaway, 川府麻辣, 海陸鍋, 海陸雙絕, pork, 梅花豬, 鮮蚵, 虱目魚滑, 海鮮滑

During my COVID quarantine I was going mad with cravings. I really wanted to have hot pot but was legally, morally, and physically in no shape to go out hunting for food. I wasn't even able to have one of the instant hot pots I bought from China. I was so bored that I read through all my diary entries from the past 2 years. And I realized, though Ares doesn't like having hot pot, we always have a great time when we go to Rododo. And the day is always filled with small, nice things that creates lots of happy memories.

肉多多, 火鍋, 麻辣鍋, 小巨蛋美食, 南京復興美食, 松山區火鍋, 松山區美食, 松山區麻辣鍋, 小巨蛋火鍋, 南京復興火鍋, hotpot, 麻辣鍋, 養生鍋, 吃到飽, 火鍋吃到飽, 宵夜火鍋, 樂多多集團, 石頭火鍋, 爆炒系, mala hotpot, spicy hotpot, supper, midnight snack, taipei hot pot, taipei restaurant, taipei food, 海鮮, 牛肉, 火鍋肉, seafood, beef, shrimp, clam, squid, basa fish, 巴沙魚, 蝦, 剝蝦, 小花枝, 巴沙魚, 牡蠣, oyster, 刀削麵, 拉麵, 王子麵, 冬粉, 蔬食自助吧, 霜淇淋, 北海道牛奶霜淇淋, 青蘋果霜淇淋, 龍王麻辣, 爆炒蒜白雞湯, Songshan station, songshan district, Taipei Arena, Nanjing fushing, 32盎司超大肉盤, 24盎司, 40盎司, 火鍋推薦, 肉多多火鍋, 宵夜火鍋, 蔬活元氣湯, 折扣, 優惠, 抽獎, giveaway, 川府麻辣, 海陸鍋, 海陸雙絕, pork, 梅花豬, 鮮蚵, 虱目魚滑, 海鮮滑

It's probably pigeon superstition but I decided that we had to go after we recovered. And I immediately made a reservation at Rododo JianKang Branch, ready to take on an exciting cheat day.

By the way, if you make a reservation a day earlier at Rododo now order 3 or more combos during the meal, Rododo will upgrade one of the broths to Stir-Fried Sichuan Mala Soup for free. This is too perfect for my numbing-spicy-loving self. Ares and I decided not to the eat the entire day and just wait for the large meal for three that we would be consuming for dinner.

Songshan Spicy Hot Pot: Rododo–Broth
肉多多, 火鍋, 麻辣鍋, 小巨蛋美食, 南京復興美食, 松山區火鍋, 松山區美食, 松山區麻辣鍋, 小巨蛋火鍋, 南京復興火鍋, hotpot, 麻辣鍋, 養生鍋, 吃到飽, 火鍋吃到飽, 宵夜火鍋, 樂多多集團, 石頭火鍋, 爆炒系, mala hotpot, spicy hotpot, supper, midnight snack, taipei hot pot, taipei restaurant, taipei food, 海鮮, 牛肉, 火鍋肉, seafood, beef, shrimp, clam, squid, basa fish, 巴沙魚, 蝦, 剝蝦, 小花枝, 巴沙魚, 牡蠣, oyster, 刀削麵, 拉麵, 王子麵, 冬粉, 蔬食自助吧, 霜淇淋, 北海道牛奶霜淇淋, 青蘋果霜淇淋, 龍王麻辣, 爆炒蒜白雞湯, Songshan station, songshan district, Taipei Arena, Nanjing fushing, 32盎司超大肉盤, 24盎司, 40盎司, 火鍋推薦, 肉多多火鍋, 宵夜火鍋, 蔬活元氣湯, 折扣, 優惠, 抽獎, giveaway, 川府麻辣, 海陸鍋, 海陸雙絕, pork, 梅花豬, 鮮蚵, 虱目魚滑, 海鮮滑

Last time we came to Rododo, we had Dragon's Mala Soup, this time we tried the Stir-Fried Sichuan Mala Soup. Though both are are mala (numbing spicy) bases, they have very different flavors. Dragon's Mala Soup is more of a smooth type of spicy. Personally, I think it would be okay for people who don't usually eat spicy food or Sichuan peppercorns to try that one.

Stir-Fried Sichuan Mala Soup has a stronger taste and is super satisfying. Since the spices and aromatics have all been stir-fried beforehand, the soup was potent from the very beginning. I loved eating it straight up before even cooking anything in it. When I first tasted it, I just thought it smelled amazing. Then the spice started spreading through my mouth from the tip of my tongue, leaving a slight numbing sensation at the root of my tongue. I find that the level of numbness is completely acceptable for most people. Even Ares was able to take it.

肉多多, 火鍋, 麻辣鍋, 小巨蛋美食, 南京復興美食, 松山區火鍋, 松山區美食, 松山區麻辣鍋, 小巨蛋火鍋, 南京復興火鍋, hotpot, 麻辣鍋, 養生鍋, 吃到飽, 火鍋吃到飽, 宵夜火鍋, 樂多多集團, 石頭火鍋, 爆炒系, mala hotpot, spicy hotpot, supper, midnight snack, taipei hot pot, taipei restaurant, taipei food, 海鮮, 牛肉, 火鍋肉, seafood, beef, shrimp, clam, squid, basa fish, 巴沙魚, 蝦, 剝蝦, 小花枝, 巴沙魚, 牡蠣, oyster, 刀削麵, 拉麵, 王子麵, 冬粉, 蔬食自助吧, 霜淇淋, 北海道牛奶霜淇淋, 青蘋果霜淇淋, 龍王麻辣, 爆炒蒜白雞湯, Songshan station, songshan district, Taipei Arena, Nanjing fushing, 32盎司超大肉盤, 24盎司, 40盎司, 火鍋推薦, 肉多多火鍋, 宵夜火鍋, 蔬活元氣湯, 折扣, 優惠, 抽獎, giveaway, 川府麻辣, 海陸鍋, 海陸雙絕, pork, 梅花豬, 鮮蚵, 虱目魚滑, 海鮮滑

Ares usually does not like mala. He said the numbing spice of Sichuan pepper corns hurt his tongue and tastes like gas (??) But he said that this soup was delicious and flavorful. And he kept stealing the greens that I cooked for myself in the mala soup. I also cooked soup vermicelle which soaked up so much soup. He enjoyed it so much that after I shared some with him, he asked me to get another serving.

On the other side of the pot, we chose Stir-Fried Garlic Chicken Soup, which he loved since last time. But I swear this man is selectively amnesiac and questioned whether I made the right choice. Then he was like "wow! This soup actually makes cabbage taste good!" Oh well, at least his life is filled with pleasant surprises. He usually compares eating vegetables to eating grass but he enjoyed having several plates of vegetables cooked in this soup.

Songshan Spicy Hot Pot: Rododo–Veggie Buffet

You can enjoy the entire Rododo buffet area as long as you order a set, starting at NTD$268. Which, I mean, are you going to not order a main course at a restaurant? So it's basically available to all customers. You can also upgrade it to a 300g mega sized main course with just NTD$31. Super great value! The veggie buffet is filled with all kinds of seasonal vegetables. Stir-fried Garlic Chicken Soup goes particularly well with cabbage and tomatoes, and tastes especially sweet. The leafy greens of the day were komatsuna. Which, bear with me, I have not heard of it before either. But it's like spinach that does not disappear after you cook it! After cooking it briefly in the mala soup, it soaks up soup and it tastes fresh and crunchy. Also, there was a heaping basket of my long-time favorite, enoki mushrooms, I could literally have as many as I liked.

肉多多, 火鍋, 麻辣鍋, 小巨蛋美食, 南京復興美食, 松山區火鍋, 松山區美食, 松山區麻辣鍋, 小巨蛋火鍋, 南京復興火鍋, hotpot, 麻辣鍋, 養生鍋, 吃到飽, 火鍋吃到飽, 宵夜火鍋, 樂多多集團, 石頭火鍋, 爆炒系, mala hotpot, spicy hotpot, supper, midnight snack, taipei hot pot, taipei restaurant, taipei food, 海鮮, 牛肉, 火鍋肉, seafood, beef, shrimp, clam, squid, basa fish, 巴沙魚, 蝦, 剝蝦, 小花枝, 巴沙魚, 牡蠣, oyster, 刀削麵, 拉麵, 王子麵, 冬粉, 蔬食自助吧, 霜淇淋, 北海道牛奶霜淇淋, 青蘋果霜淇淋, 龍王麻辣, 爆炒蒜白雞湯, Songshan station, songshan district, Taipei Arena, Nanjing fushing, 32盎司超大肉盤, 24盎司, 40盎司, 火鍋推薦, 肉多多火鍋, 宵夜火鍋, 蔬活元氣湯, 折扣, 優惠, 抽獎, giveaway, 川府麻辣, 海陸鍋, 海陸雙絕, pork, 梅花豬, 鮮蚵, 虱目魚滑, 海鮮滑

I kind of like the hotpot ingredients that Rododo offers, as well. Which does not happen a lot. I especially love the triangle tofu and frozen tofu. They taste extra amazing in Stir-Fried Sichuan Mala Soup. Once they are cooked, they grow twice as big from soaking up all the mala broth in the center. Tiny sausages are Ares' favorite, which was finally something he remembered. As soon as he saw it, he said that I remembered having a bunch last time and loved it. Then proceeded to grab a bunch. And, of course, don't forget the king oyster mushroom, shitake mushrooms and black fungi which are Ares' top choices. He always loves having all types of mushrooms and fungi. Cooking them in Stir-Fried Garlic Chicken Soup is almost like making your own mushroom chicken soup, and he couldn't help eating plates after plates of it.

Rododo's choices of broth are all pretty flavorful and honestly dose not require any dipping sauce. But there is still a huge variety of dipping sauces based on cuisines from many different countries. I decided that I had to try the intriguing Sichuan Mala Sauce. It really went so well with the broth since it is designed it have a similar taste palette. It was so good with fish cakes and fish roe rolls.

肉多多, 火鍋, 麻辣鍋, 小巨蛋美食, 南京復興美食, 松山區火鍋, 松山區美食, 松山區麻辣鍋, 小巨蛋火鍋, 南京復興火鍋, hotpot, 麻辣鍋, 養生鍋, 吃到飽, 火鍋吃到飽, 宵夜火鍋, 樂多多集團, 石頭火鍋, 爆炒系, mala hotpot, spicy hotpot, supper, midnight snack, taipei hot pot, taipei restaurant, taipei food, 海鮮, 牛肉, 火鍋肉, seafood, beef, shrimp, clam, squid, basa fish, 巴沙魚, 蝦, 剝蝦, 小花枝, 巴沙魚, 牡蠣, oyster, 刀削麵, 拉麵, 王子麵, 冬粉, 蔬食自助吧, 霜淇淋, 北海道牛奶霜淇淋, 青蘋果霜淇淋, 龍王麻辣, 爆炒蒜白雞湯, Songshan station, songshan district, Taipei Arena, Nanjing fushing, 32盎司超大肉盤, 24盎司, 40盎司, 火鍋推薦, 肉多多火鍋, 宵夜火鍋, 蔬活元氣湯, 折扣, 優惠, 抽獎, giveaway, 川府麻辣, 海陸鍋, 海陸雙絕, pork, 梅花豬, 鮮蚵, 虱目魚滑, 海鮮滑

The buffet area is also filled with choices of mains, beverages, and desserts. Other than sweet drinks, they also have the healthy and thirst-quenching choice of lemon water, which was my favorite. Also, cooking vermicelle and ramen noodles in the mala soup is the best thing ever. It's just so savory and delicious!

Finally, it's Ares' favorite, Hokkaido Milk Soft Serve. We were actually so full by the end but we had to have it. My hand accidentally stayed on the lever for a bit too long and made a huge heaping bowl. So I told him that we should share it. But he bogarted the whole thing! So we went and got another one but I didn't eat fast enough so he ended up carving up that one, too. The milk soft serve is so creamy and smooth, but it's also so refreshing and palette cleansing after a meal of hotpot.

Songshan Spicy Hot Pot: Rododo–Surf and Turf for 2+Pork Shoulder
肉多多, 火鍋, 麻辣鍋, 小巨蛋美食, 南京復興美食, 松山區火鍋, 松山區美食, 松山區麻辣鍋, 小巨蛋火鍋, 南京復興火鍋, hotpot, 麻辣鍋, 養生鍋, 吃到飽, 火鍋吃到飽, 宵夜火鍋, 樂多多集團, 石頭火鍋, 爆炒系, mala hotpot, spicy hotpot, supper, midnight snack, taipei hot pot, taipei restaurant, taipei food, 海鮮, 牛肉, 火鍋肉, seafood, beef, shrimp, clam, squid, basa fish, 巴沙魚, 蝦, 剝蝦, 小花枝, 巴沙魚, 牡蠣, oyster, 刀削麵, 拉麵, 王子麵, 冬粉, 蔬食自助吧, 霜淇淋, 北海道牛奶霜淇淋, 青蘋果霜淇淋, 龍王麻辣, 爆炒蒜白雞湯, Songshan station, songshan district, Taipei Arena, Nanjing fushing, 32盎司超大肉盤, 24盎司, 40盎司, 火鍋推薦, 肉多多火鍋, 宵夜火鍋, 蔬活元氣湯, 折扣, 優惠, 抽獎, giveaway, 川府麻辣, 海陸鍋, 海陸雙絕, pork, 梅花豬, 鮮蚵, 虱目魚滑, 海鮮滑

Ever since I've gotten my health back on track, I've noticed that I can eat moderate amounts of seafood without having an allergic reaction! Prior to this, Ares even took me to sushi. I honestly never thought that I would ever have raw fish on my tongue. But we went too late that day and the fish wasn't fresh, I also had some jelly fish bites from the day before and they decided to flare up after the meal. BUT I decided to face the challenge again. I am determined to be able to do a seafood mukbang one day.

Previously, I've tried eating the broth at Rododo multiple times after cooking a bunch of shellfish in it and I was fine. So I trusted that everything would go well that day, too.

I saw how lavish Joy of The Ocean was last time but did not dare to try anything, so we ordered Surf and Turf for 2. As soon as it arrived, I was in awe. Look at the plating! Can I just say it's LUXURIOUS. And there are so many types of seafood! Honestly, magnificent, there are 20 massive shrimp, a small mountain of clams with basa fish and tilapia piled on top. Next to the freshening bitter melon is some baby cuttlefish. On top of the decorative bamboo weaves is a full swordtip squid. Cooking it whole then cutting it after makes sure that the flavor gets entirely locked in. In the back, there are plates of oysters, milkfish paste and seafood paste .

I seriously think that all that seafood is enough to constitute a seafood set for 2 at other restaurants, but Rododo's Surf and Turf for 2 also comes with a choice of chicken, pork, or beef. I chose beef belly. For the third main course, I chose pork shoulder. Though I know Ares says that he's usually not a fan of pork, he doesn't seem to have any complaints eating this.

肉多多, 火鍋, 麻辣鍋, 小巨蛋美食, 南京復興美食, 松山區火鍋, 松山區美食, 松山區麻辣鍋, 小巨蛋火鍋, 南京復興火鍋, hotpot, 麻辣鍋, 養生鍋, 吃到飽, 火鍋吃到飽, 宵夜火鍋, 樂多多集團, 石頭火鍋, 爆炒系, mala hotpot, spicy hotpot, supper, midnight snack, taipei hot pot, taipei restaurant, taipei food, 海鮮, 牛肉, 火鍋肉, seafood, beef, shrimp, clam, squid, basa fish, 巴沙魚, 蝦, 剝蝦, 小花枝, 巴沙魚, 牡蠣, oyster, 刀削麵, 拉麵, 王子麵, 冬粉, 蔬食自助吧, 霜淇淋, 北海道牛奶霜淇淋, 青蘋果霜淇淋, 龍王麻辣, 爆炒蒜白雞湯, Songshan station, songshan district, Taipei Arena, Nanjing fushing, 32盎司超大肉盤, 24盎司, 40盎司, 火鍋推薦, 肉多多火鍋, 宵夜火鍋, 蔬活元氣湯, 折扣, 優惠, 抽獎, giveaway, 川府麻辣, 海陸鍋, 海陸雙絕, pork, 梅花豬, 鮮蚵, 虱目魚滑, 海鮮滑

Rododo also offers the most considerate service ever, which is shrimp-peeling service. This was the first time I am eating shrimp, so if no one peeled it for me, I really wouldn't know what to do. Ares also hates peeling shrimp. He even complains about it when he is eating shrimp himself and I was not hoping for him to do it for me. So when the waitress walked over and told us that that she was going to peel the shrimp for us, Ares and I literally cheered. The shrimp tasted different in the mala soup and chicken soup. In the mala soup, I could taste the freshness of the shrimp along with the aroma of the spice. In the chicken soup, I could taste the sweetness of the shrimp in it's full glory.

I plucked up my courage and tried some other shellfish as well. I already had shrimp, why not try some clams? Before I put them into the pot, Ares started saying that he doesn't like clams. Again, I told him, "but you were really happy with them last time!" He denied it vehemently and said that it was impossible But then after we cooked the clams in the chicken soup, the soup became so fragrant, rich, and sweet and he started happily eating the soup and cooking mushrooms in them, saying that it tastes so good. After the clams were cooked, they were plump and juicy.

肉多多, 火鍋, 麻辣鍋, 小巨蛋美食, 南京復興美食, 松山區火鍋, 松山區美食, 松山區麻辣鍋, 小巨蛋火鍋, 南京復興火鍋, hotpot, 麻辣鍋, 養生鍋, 吃到飽, 火鍋吃到飽, 宵夜火鍋, 樂多多集團, 石頭火鍋, 爆炒系, mala hotpot, spicy hotpot, supper, midnight snack, taipei hot pot, taipei restaurant, taipei food, 海鮮, 牛肉, 火鍋肉, seafood, beef, shrimp, clam, squid, basa fish, 巴沙魚, 蝦, 剝蝦, 小花枝, 巴沙魚, 牡蠣, oyster, 刀削麵, 拉麵, 王子麵, 冬粉, 蔬食自助吧, 霜淇淋, 北海道牛奶霜淇淋, 青蘋果霜淇淋, 龍王麻辣, 爆炒蒜白雞湯, Songshan station, songshan district, Taipei Arena, Nanjing fushing, 32盎司超大肉盤, 24盎司, 40盎司, 火鍋推薦, 肉多多火鍋, 宵夜火鍋, 蔬活元氣湯, 折扣, 優惠, 抽獎, giveaway, 川府麻辣, 海陸鍋, 海陸雙絕, pork, 梅花豬, 鮮蚵, 虱目魚滑, 海鮮滑

Rododo's servings are so big that we were super full towards the end when we realized that we haven't cooked the milkfish paste and seafood paste yet. Ares told me to eat them cause there's no way that he could eat more. But after they were done, he tried one and fell in love with the seafood paste and kept telling me that he wanted "those white balls". In the seafood paste balls, I could see distinct pieces of seafood and are especially bouncy. The milkfish paste balls are more soft and chewy with a hint of garlic and taste great in the mala soup.

During and after the meal, Ares kept asking if I was itching or swollen in any way or anywhere. Nothing happened to me at all. Once again proving the freshness of Rododo's seafood.

Songshan Spicy Hot Pot: Rododo–Giveaway

I'm also doing a giveaway on Instagram! 2 lucky ducks are going to be chosen for a Rododo NTD$299 combo coupon, which will be directly sent to your Ledodo membership app.

Make sure you are following me and @twrododo_hotpot on Instagram. Like this post and share it to your Instagram stories, then tag 3 friends in the comments and write down 「我愛肉多多火鍋」in Chinese for the chance to win! (Sorry, I don't make the rules, they said that you have to type down their full name.)

Songshan Spicy Hot Pot: Rododo–Membership App Discounts
肉多多, 火鍋, 麻辣鍋, 小巨蛋美食, 南京復興美食, 松山區火鍋, 松山區美食, 松山區麻辣鍋, 小巨蛋火鍋, 南京復興火鍋, hotpot, 麻辣鍋, 養生鍋, 吃到飽, 火鍋吃到飽, 宵夜火鍋, 樂多多集團, 石頭火鍋, 爆炒系, mala hotpot, spicy hotpot, supper, midnight snack, taipei hot pot, taipei restaurant, taipei food, 海鮮, 牛肉, 火鍋肉, seafood, beef, shrimp, clam, squid, basa fish, 巴沙魚, 蝦, 剝蝦, 小花枝, 巴沙魚, 牡蠣, oyster, 刀削麵, 拉麵, 王子麵, 冬粉, 蔬食自助吧, 霜淇淋, 北海道牛奶霜淇淋, 青蘋果霜淇淋, 龍王麻辣, 爆炒蒜白雞湯, Songshan station, songshan district, Taipei Arena, Nanjing fushing, 32盎司超大肉盤, 24盎司, 40盎司, 火鍋推薦, 肉多多火鍋, 宵夜火鍋, 蔬活元氣湯, 折扣, 優惠, 抽獎, giveaway, 川府麻辣, 海陸鍋, 海陸雙絕, pork, 梅花豬, 鮮蚵, 虱目魚滑, 海鮮滑

By the way, let me share some money-saving tips I found through the Rododo app. Every time you spend NTD$100 at any restaurant under Ledodo Group you get 1 point. Just 5 points would get you a free serving of seafood or meat main course. There are even more choices with 10 points. You can also use these points at any restaurant that belongs to the group.

What's better is that as soon as you become a member of their app, you receive 1 new comers' coupon for each restaurant in the group, including coupons to Rododo and Fondue Retro that gives you a choice of one free main course between pork shoulder or boneless chicken thighs. On your birthday month they'll also gift you a birthday meat cake. I honestly saw so many people celebrating birthdays there that day.

On top of that, you never have to worry about your points expiring. Each point is valid for 60 days. But most importantly, if you eat at any restaurant under Ledodo group in that 60 days and collect more points on the app, ALL existing points would be extended for another 60 days. It's impossible for foodies like me to waste any single point

Songshan Spicy Hot Pot: Rododo–Dine-in Discounts
肉多多, 火鍋, 麻辣鍋, 小巨蛋美食, 南京復興美食, 松山區火鍋, 松山區美食, 松山區麻辣鍋, 小巨蛋火鍋, 南京復興火鍋, hotpot, 麻辣鍋, 養生鍋, 吃到飽, 火鍋吃到飽, 宵夜火鍋, 樂多多集團, 石頭火鍋, 爆炒系, mala hotpot, spicy hotpot, supper, midnight snack, taipei hot pot, taipei restaurant, taipei food, 海鮮, 牛肉, 火鍋肉, seafood, beef, shrimp, clam, squid, basa fish, 巴沙魚, 蝦, 剝蝦, 小花枝, 巴沙魚, 牡蠣, oyster, 刀削麵, 拉麵, 王子麵, 冬粉, 蔬食自助吧, 霜淇淋, 北海道牛奶霜淇淋, 青蘋果霜淇淋, 龍王麻辣, 爆炒蒜白雞湯, Songshan station, songshan district, Taipei Arena, Nanjing fushing, 32盎司超大肉盤, 24盎司, 40盎司, 火鍋推薦, 肉多多火鍋, 宵夜火鍋, 蔬活元氣湯, 折扣, 優惠, 抽獎, giveaway, 川府麻辣, 海陸鍋, 海陸雙絕, pork, 梅花豬, 鮮蚵, 虱目魚滑, 海鮮滑

Make a reservation a day prior and have a free pot of Stir-Fried Sichuan Mala Soup as long as you order 3 combos.

Songshan Spicy Hot Pot: Rododo–Store Info

Store Name: Ro Do Do Hot Pot Songshan

Address: No. 7-1, Jiankang Road, Songshan District, Taipei City (5-minute walk from exit 5 of Taipei Arena MRT station)

Reservation hotline: (02)8712-3030

Opening hours: 11:00–4:00 (last call at 2:00)


Don't forget to follow me on Instagram–Cherie Aria🧜🏻‍♀️ 艾雪莉

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