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Removing Growth Marks with Muinn Stretch Mark Cream–Review

I have this persisting issue I could not get rid of–growth marks. When I was in junior high school, I grew 10 centimeters in a year. I was barely a teenager, how was I to know that I needed stretch mark cream at the time? I didn't even notice that marks have developed on my hips, I was way too overjoyed that I got taller. I am the rut of the family. My elder sister pushes 6 feet. I used to have pretty fair skin, well... pale actually. I refused to get under the sun at all, it's an Asian thing, don't get me started. But the past two years, I spent the majority of my time at the beach and I finally got a nice caramel tan. But since growth marks don't tan along with the rest of the skin, they started to show. And I finally discovered their existence. I was shocked at first. I thought it was a reaction to my sunburn–Ares insisted that we wouldn't get burnt and we stayed under the sun without protection for 6 hours. Needless to say we came home as lobsters–and that they would disappear soon if I apply aloe vera every day. Or has my glutes work out been so effective that I developed marks? I wish.

White marks as such must have been present for a long time.

Growth marks, stretch marks from pregnancy, and stretch marks from weight gain are actually the same thing. Your body is growing way too fast for your skin to keep up with it, so the fibers break. Which, by the way, isn't that just a terrible design. If we were products I would get a refund. Anyway, when these marks first form, they are red and purple, this is the best time to apply stretch mark cream or laser treatment, and they would actually be eradicated. But once they turn white, they are proper scar tissue that is almost impossible to get rid of.

My growth marks aren't severe, they are barely detectable to others, but ever since i discovered them, I have been increasingly bothered. I did a lot of research and went to many clinics asking about noninvasive procedures, including Fraxel Laser and Megafill. They all cost around 100–200 thousand NT dollars (around 3,300–6,600 USD), plus they can't guarantee that the growth marks would be completely removed. Some even flat out told me that it wouldn't be effective and not to waste money. My friends mom happens to work at a beauty clinic so I asked her if there are any procedures that can help me. She told me that no matter what procedures I try, it'd be pretty much the same as applying stretch mark cream. Which is why I got stretch mark cream from Muinn, determined to make them as invisible as possible.

Muinn Stretch Mark Cream—High Quality Ingredients

Orchid Extract

Taiwan is world famous for being the Orchid Kingdom. Who knew that orchids were also an amazing skincare product! Orchids is a symbol of eternal youth and scientist have been studying how orchids are able to maintain their beauty for such a long time. Turns out it has something to do with cells that are found deep in the roots of orchids. So scientists extracted this element, hoping to replicate the effect.

Centella Asiatica

This is been all the rage recently as the holy grail of repairing. I'm sure you've all heard of it! As I researched what it's all about, I saw that it has another fun name "tiger grass." That sounds very heroic, but there's actually a cute story behind it! It's been said that tigers that get hurt during a fight would look for centella asiatica in the woods and roll around on it to cover its wound with juice from the grass. Soon it would be able to recover fully!

Centella asiatica has actually been used as an herb since ancient times and was recorded in the Dictionary of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Of course, modern scientist are not going to pass by on the opportunity of studying such a great ingredient and adding it to skincare products. Centella asiatica does not contain caffein or other stimulants that may irritate the skin, which means that it can be safely used on all healthy skin types.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E reduces the production of free radicals and can help decrease the oxidation of unsaturated fat, which can maintain the completeness of cell membranes. We all know that it is an excellent antioxidant. Growth marks and stretch marks are essentially damaged skin, which makes vitamin E a perfect treatment to enhance skin health.

Shea Butter

Shea butter is found in so many different types of great body lotion. It's fat extracted from the fruit of the African shea tree. It can effectively help retain moisture and subside dryness, creating plump and smooth skin.

Ginsen Extract

Ginsen is a superfood that we hear all the time, as both a supplement and topical treatment. It's because ginsen can quickly help you metabolize old and dead cells, effectively helping the marks lighten.

Muinn Stretch Mark Cream—Texture

Muinn's cream for stretch marks has a thick creamy texture, which makes it particularly moisturizing. It can be spread out very smoothly and has quite a lot of coverage. You can cover one side of your entire hip with cream about the size of one penny. I personally like to use a bit more though. It's not a thick layer that you can see, but I would apply enough so that my skin still feels slightly slimy after I'm done. It actually gets absorbed quite quickly. I apply it as soon as I get out of the shower. Once, I finish my skincare routine for my face, the cream of my hips is pretty much fully absorbed.

Muinn Stretch Mark Cream—Scent

I really LOVE fragrance and am obviously an avid fan of Bath and Body Works. But dermatologists would be shaking their heads at this ppoint because we all know that fragrance is not exactly great for the skin. Muinn's cream for stretch marks has no added fragrance, which makes it perfect for pregnant mommies as well. It has a comforting scent that comes from its ingredients. It smells lightly of cocoa because of the shea butter, it also has a hint of spicy smell coming from the ginsen extract.

Muinn Stretch Mark Cream—Packaging

The packaging of Muinnn's stretch mark cream uses the popular Morandi Colors. The low-vibrance olive green creates a sense of comfort that also highlights its natural ingredients. The material of the tube seems to be aluminum or tin foil, so it does not go back to its original shape once you squeeze it. This makes it much easier to get out every less drop. I start from the very end and work towards the fatter head. This ensures that nothing gets wasted. I also wouldn't have to cut it open and find a bunch of cream still left inside, now exposed to the air and bacteria.

Muinn Stretch Mark Cream—Application

I love showering with extremely hot water to soften the dead skin on the surface layer. Then I use a sugar scrub to exfoliate the area on my hips with growth marks by rubbing it like there's no tomorrow. Once I get out of the shower, I would apply Muinn's cream for stretch marks. As I've mentioned, I leave on a thicker layer. I don't really massage it in that much so that I don't waste any stretch mark cream on my hands. Once I am done with my other skincare, it would have been absorbed. Then I would apply body lotion.

I've already accepted the fact that my growth marks are never going to fully disappear. But after following this routine for a month, the skin on my hips is visibly smoother. My growth marks use to become pretty obvious when I bent toward the sides, showing up like tiny fat folds. But now it's not as apparent anymore and I really have to look closely! That's all I was asking for.

Muinn Stretch Mark Cream—Product Info

Brand: Muinn

Product Name: Cream for Stretch Marks

Price: NTD$1,080


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