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Why take Maca and Zinc? Can women take them?

Maca and Zinc are 2 of the most renowned supplements listed as the top 3 jewels for men. Which is why the majority of people are under the misconception that they can only be taken by men. Most people even mistake them as aphrodisiac for men or some natural substitute for Viagra. But in reality, zinc and maca are important supplements to both men and women. I have also been taking them myself!

Why take Zinc supplement?

Zinc is an essential micronutrient in the human body. There are over 300 enzymes in our bodies that require zinc to help our metabolism, digestion, and neurological functions. The development of our immune system also uses zinc. Most importantly, zinc is essential to our gene expression and the formation of proteins, aka muscles. Which is why many body builders take zinc supplements–so that the body has enough nutrients to repair. There are many other ways that our bodies utilize zinc and I highly recommend that you click on the link above to better understand the human body's mechanism. But I think by now it's obvious that zinc is not just for men, but something that all people should consume through their diet or supplements in order to maintain their health.

There are around 2 billion people in this world with mild zinc deficiency. This is particularly common in people who do not have a balanced diet, vegetarians, pregnant women, women who are breast feeding, and people who consume alcohol. Symptoms of zinc deficiency include reduced appetite, a weak immune system, hair loss, mood swings, and low fertility.

If you have a regular diet and take 1–2 supplements that contain zinc, you shouldn't have to worry about zinc overdose. However, a lot of supplements, especially those marketed towards men, contain zinc. Not only should you pay attention to the quality of the zinc, you should also make sure that you don't take too much of it. When you have zinc overdose, it's pretty easy to tell. You'd have a metallic taste in your mouth that you cannot get rid of. Just lower the dosage and you should be find.

*The above is information I gathered from reading numerous medical researches, NOT results that either the brand or I claim that this product has.

Chenglin Maca+Zinc Capsule–High Efficiency Zinc-enriched Yeast

There are many types of zinc supplement. The most common ones include zinc gluconate, zinc citrate, and zinc-enriched yeast. Chenglin's Maca Zinc Capsules use zinc-enriched zinc. As the name suggests, zinc is added during the fermentation of the yeast, transforming it into protein that can much easily be absorbed into our cells. This type of supplement can effectively reduce the possibility of bloating or gastrointestinal discomfort, it also has an 8-% efficiency, meaning that it's more likely to be utilized by our bodies.

Additionally, Chenglin's Maca Zinc Capsules are vegan. Since meat, seafood, and dairy are the primary source of zinc in our diet, vegans and vegetarians are at higher risk of having zinc deficiency. If that sounds like you, taking the Maca Zinc Capsule form Chenglin can not only help supplement something essential to your health, it also complies with your diet. Each capsule contains a full 10mg of formula, which is equivalent to 10 oysters.

Why take Maca?

Maca has a very long history behind it. Those who occupied the Andes thousands of years ago have already been growing maca. They used it as an herb for all kinds of problems related to fertility, weak bones, or bad memory. Recent years, maca suddenly achieved superfood status.

The phytosterol (plant-based cholestrol) in maca can stimulate the endocrine system, which helps balance hormones. Which is why many researches indicate that maca can help increase fertility and libido. But hormonal balance is not just important to your sex life and reproductive health. Balanced hormones are helpful to your mental health, stress management, and fitness. Bottom line, maca contains high amounts of iron, iodine, potassium, calcium, amino acids, and vitamins, which are all beneficial to your digestion and muscles.

Chenglin Maca+Zinc Capsule–Patented Water Soluble MacaPro

The maca used in these capsules are apparently different. I had no idea how, so I looked into it. It is the only one in the world that is cold-processed which means that none of the nutrients are damaged, retaining the activity of them. This also makes it easier to absorb.

It contains high levels of alkaloid, glucosinolates, fatty acids, minerals, and vitamins. I know that list means nothing to most people. The point is, these are all essential micronutrients that help you remain energetic.

Chenglin Maca+Zinc Capsule–Unadaria pinnatifida+β-glucan

I know, what?? Unadaria pinnatifida contains fucoidan, prasinodermophyta (green algae), cyanobacteria (blue algae), Aphanizomenon flos-aquae, and rhodophyta (red algae).

I KNOW, still, WHAT?? One of these you might be familiar with, cyanobacteria, which is the superfood spirulina. These are all types of algae and I know by now you are thinking "but why? I am not a whale?" But algae contains a plethora of nutrients which makes them natures vitamins. Fucoidan is a water soluble dietary fiber and contains a long chain sulfated polysaccharide, which is 1 of the 8 essential polysaccharide need in the human body, and also the hardest to have in one's diet. As for β-glucan, it also helps our bodies fight outsiders.

Chenglin Maca+Zinc Capsule–Certificates

Chenglin's Maca Zinc Capsules is SGS certified to contain no medications, has passed the test for pesticides, and is proven to contain an effective amount of zinc. It also complies with HACCP and ISO22000 food safety regulations. So you can take these without any worries. But if you have any special medical history or complications, it's always better to consult a physician.

Chenglin Maca+Zinc Capsule–Usage

Take 2 per day with water. I usually eat my first meal at 13:00 then take 2 Maca Zinc Capsule together with my vitamins, probiotics, and other supplements.

Since I've been taking Maca Zinc Capsules, I do spend less time lingering in bed in the morning, and feel like I have more energy to face the rest of the day. I also experienced less fatigue and depression during my period; normally, I'd only want to roll around in bed for 3 days straight, and would be too lazy to even put on makeup. But this time, I had no issues with getting up in the morning, working out, writing, and taking photos.

Chenglin Maca+Zinc Capsule–Sale

Time to share some even better news. During July, they are having a huge father's day sale on their website! Cause father's day in Taiwan is 8/8, it's pronounced like "dad" in Chinese. Anyway, I digress.

1. Freebies: 7/1-7/30, get a floral spray for free on order over NTD$1,000.

2. 7/18-8/8 get 25% off when you purchase 3 items.

3. Get a free mini sample of 30 capsules on orders over NTD$3,000.

4. Download the official app to get a NTD$300 coupon.

Chenglin Maca+Zinc Capsule–Product Info

Brand: Chenglin

Product name: Maca Zinc Capsule

Price: NTD$1,980/bottle (60 capsules)

Purchase link:


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Cherie Aria🧜🏻‍♀️ 艾雪莉

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