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Daiken Biomedical Lutein Review

I spend a lot of time on my laptop and phone every day preparing teaching materials, teaching online, taking photos, editing photos, and writing. That in combination with my terrible genes, I sometimes can't even open my eyes when I wake up, not to mention find my slippers or glasses when I wake up. Which is why I really need to take extra care of myself to keep my eye sparkly and moisturized. Which is why I have always been taking lutein on a daily basis. Recently, I finished my previous batch and came across Daiken Biomedical's lutein. After a week, I noticed that my comfort significantly increased in comparison to when I was taking Blackmores Lutein Defence. Which is why I'm recommending it to you guys now.

Daiken Biomedical Lutein—Anthocyanin

Anthocyanin is a very popular eye supplement, I'm sure you all already know that you need this if you spend a lot of time staring at your screen. I know that too but I can't possibly eat a whole bucket of blueberries and grapes on a daily basis, I'd overload in fructose and go broke before it makes any positive impact.

Savior in the Dark

Daiken Biomedicals's lutein contains billberry extract that complies with the international standards and is GMP and CEP certified. Billberry is not only rich in anthocyanin and cyanidin-3-glucoside (C3G), but it has an interesting story behind it. During the second world war, pilots of the Royal Air Force would conduct bombing missions at night, which is why they were all fed with a diet high in billberry jam to help them successfully complete their late night missions.→Are you choosing your lutein correctly?

I don't throw bombs at night, I just like to get water in the dark, but I still got to ensure my accuracy. I must take care of myself so I don't get water all over the counter without seeing it get murdered by my mother in the morning.

Fighting electronics; Sustained Moisture

Everyone talks about how electronics would damage out health and make our gazes dull. Maqui is a new superfood that I heard of recently, the maqui extract used in Daiken Biomedical's has more than 35% of anthocyanin as well as more than 25% of delphinium (D3G5G) and has proven to be helpful when it comes to moisture retention. →What are the effects of lutein? Doctors say only the correct formula is effective

Actually, I was taking lutein before, too. But when I sleep a bit too late, I would wake up to a literal drought. After I started taking Daiken Lutein, I didn't pay much attention to the changes. But I went out for lunch with my friend the other day, who has been chronically bothered by this issue. He told me that he hasn't been feeling great and it's like he's looking at the world through a dessert. He then asked if I had similar problems since I am looking at my screens all day and don't remove my contacts till late at night. I was just about to complain along with him when I realized that I honestly have not had this issue for a while. Ever since I switched to Daiken Lutein, I really woke up to moisturized comfort every morning! I was really surprised myself and promptly recommended it to his whole family.

Daiken Biomedical Lutein—FloraGlo Free Form Lutein

Perfect Lutein to Zeaxanthin Ratio

We all know that the UV rays from the sun and the blue light from our phones are harmful and we must have proper protection against it. Other than wearing sunblock and sunglasses, sun protection has to be done from within. And the lutein and zeaxanthin within us plays exactly this role. According to large scale human trials conducted by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) AREDS II (Age-Related Eye Disease Studies), lutein and zeaxanthin can protect us against sun and blue light damage. The ratio used in this study was 10mg:2mg, which is why Daiken Biomedical chose to use this perfect ratio.→How to identify high quality lutein


I guess more and more people now know that free form lutein is the way to go. The reason is that the particles of free form lutein is only half that of regular ester form lutein. The absorption of regular ester form lutein would also be negatively affected if you have digestion problems. Unlike ester form lutein, free form lutein does not rely on digestive enzymes to be absorbed and utilized. Daiken Biomedical lutein uses the patented FloraGLO® Free form lutein, which has also been certified by the US FDA to be added in baby food. →Lutein: It's not always the more the merrier

Daiken Lutein—High-quality Nutrients


Daiken Biomedical's lutein contains flaxseed oil, a supplement vegetarians often use as a replacement for fish oil because of it's high percentage of omega-3.

Rich Antioxidants

Astaxanthin and Vitamin E are also added. Astaxanthin is a keto-carotenoid that is produced by algae under stressful situations to protect itself, and is a strong antioxidant.

Vitamin E is also an amazing anti-oxidant that we all already know of, which can effectively reduce the production of free radicals, allowing the lutein, zeaxanthin, and astaxanthin to do their job.

Daiken Biomedical Lutein—Usage

Lutein, like any other supplement, has to be taken daily. Because lutein is fat-soluble, I take mine after getting some good fats in during my first meal at 13:00.

There are 30 capsules in each box of Daiken lutein, you can get them in bulk on their website at a discounted price, and you can also pay in 3 or 6 installments with no interest fee via credit card. Since everyone should take them daily, it would also be a great to get them in bulk and share them with family and friends. Would people hate me if I got everyone lutein for Christmas?

Daiken Biomedical also has a monthly subscription plan. I mean, you are paying for Netflix and Spotify every month, doesn't it make a lot of sense to do the same for the sake of your health? You get 20% off with the subscription plan and an additional 5% store credit with each charge. Each shipment also comes with a free gift of multi-vitamins, vitamin C, probiotics, or calcium+D3 of your choice.

Daiken Bioedical Lutein—Product Information

Brand: Daiken Biomedical

Price: One box NTD$999/30 capsules (with discounts for bulk purchases and monthly subscriptions)

Discount information: New users can get NTD$500 store credits registering through my link, which can immediately be used for your first purchase. If you find that you would like to recommend it to your friends, you will both get NTD$500 store credits, too! With each purchase, you also get 2.5% store credit that you can use for your next order.

Register and get 500 store credits:

(or enter referral code: L3A89)


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